Save taxes by shortening the remaining useful life of your rented property
Over 90% of all rented real estate is depreciated over 50 years by default.
With an expert opinion on shortening the remaining useful life of your rented property, you can save cash, because - with this expert opinion - the building portion of your rented property can be depreciated with a shorter term than the standard 50 years, and you can thus easily and with reduce your taxable income with little effort (often with a significant portion) and thus the overall tax burden will be significantly lower.
And the process to get this appraisal is as simple as can be. In most cases, there is no need for an on-site visit if the necessary documentation is available in detailed and good quality.
What documents are needed for the preparation of an expert opinion?
For the preparation of an expert opinion on the remaining useful life of your real estate you will need
- Information about the type of real estate
- Information about the condition of the property
- Construction method
- state of renovation of
- heating
- Roof
- Fixed
- Bathroom (if it is a condominium) or bathrooms (if it is your apartment building)
- General questions about the property
- Year of construction
- Living space and usable area
- Number of usage units
- Number of floors
- Change of floor plans
- further required documents
- object pictures (ideally inside and outside)
- (current) energy certificate
- site plan
- floor plans
All necessary information can also be found in detail in our checklist and/or order form.
In the press